
Hiroki Nakajima

Hiroki Nakajima (Japanese: 中島 啓貴 Nakajima Hiroki; born in 1992) is a Japanese mathematician, and an assistant professor at Ehime University.

He obtained his Ph.D. from Tohoku University in 2019. He study geometry on metric measure spaces. In particular, he is interested in isoperimetric inequalities on metric measure spaces.

nakajima.hiroki.nz [at] ehime-u.ac.jp

Table of Contents

  1. Papers, Preprints
  2. Talks
  3. Profile
  4. Links

Papers, Preprints


  1. Box distance and observable distance via optimal transport, Israel Journal of Mathematics (掲載決定済). (arXiv: 2204.04893)
  2. (with Takashi Shioya) Convergence of group actions in metric measure geometry, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 32(2024), No. 5.
  3. (with Daisuke Kazukawa and Takashi Shioya) Principal bundle structure of the space of metric measure spaces, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, (2024), pp. 1-31.
  4. (with Daisuke Kazukawa and Takashi Shioya) Topological aspects of the space of metric measure spaces, Geometriae Dedicata, 218(2024), No. 68.
  5. (with Takashi Shioya) A natural compactification of the Gromov-Hausdorff space, Geometriae Dedicata, 218(2024), No. 10.
  6. Isoperimetric Inequality on a Metric Measure Space and Lipschitz Order with an Additive Error, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 32(2022), No. 35.
  7. (with Takashi Shioya) Isoperimetric rigidity and distributions of 1-Lipschitz functions, Advances in Mathematics, 349(2019), pp. 1198-1233.
  8. The maximum of the 1-measurement of a metric measure space, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 71, No. 2, pp. 635-650.


  1. (with Takamitsu Yamauchi and Nicolò Zava)Topological dimension of the Gromov-Hausdorff and Gromov-Prokhorov spaces. (arXiv: 2502.11615)
  2. Extension of Gromov's Lipschitz order to with additive errors. (arXiv: 2409.02459)

Doctoral Thesis


International conferences/seminars

  1. Isoperimetric inequality on a metric measure space and Lipschitz order with an additive error, Geometry and Probability in January 2020.
  2. Lipschitz Order with an Additive Error and Normal Law à la Lévy on the Hamming Cubes, HeKKSaGOn German-Japanese University Network in April 2018.
  3. Lipschitz Order with an Additive Error and Normal Law à la Lévy on the Hamming Cubes, Geometry and Probability in January 2018.

Curriculum Vitae


March 2015 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), Tohoku University
March 2017 Master of Science (Mathematics), Tohoku University (Advisor: Prof. Takashi Shioya)
September 2019 Doctor of Science (Mathematics), Tohoku University (Advisor: Prof. Takashi Shioya)

Employments & Fellowships

April 2019 - September 2019 JSPS Research Fellow DC2, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
October 2019 - April 2020 JSPS Research Fellow PD (Host: Prof. Takashi Shioya), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
May 2020 - March 2023 Assistant Professor, Institute for excellence in higher education, Tohoku University.
March 2023 - Current Assistant Professor, Ehime University.


The Mathematical Society of Japan


March 2014 Aoba Science Shinko-kai incentive award.
March 2020 Kawai prize for doctoral thesis.